The man who can help you plan your own epic expeditions
We’re always looking for places that are relatively untouched and where not many people go and this particular area seemed ideal. We climbed volcanoes and explored the area by foot, boat and motorbikes. I was able to push things a little and show her the sort of things I like to get up to, while also testing myself physically and mentally.
26 Ways to make friends on the road
Fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliqu. Sollicitudinlorem quis bibendum auci elit consequat ipsutis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbiaccumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad.
How Much Stove Fuel Do I Need for a Backpacking Trip?
For a solo weekend backpacking trip, a small 100g canister of stove fuel is often enough. As a general guide, you should bring enough fuel to boil one liter of water per person, per meal and factor in your stove's boil time and total burn time. Read on to learn how to calculate your fuel needs.
Backpacking In Your Period
After the first time backpacking with your period, you’ll realize it’s no big deal. And you can rest easy that the old notion that bears are attracted to menstrual blood turns out to be a myth. With a little preparation and knowledge, you won’t have to think twice about heading into the backcountry at any time of the month
The man who walked 12,000 kilometers across the African continent
I wanted to do something that would be more challenging, I wanted to figure out how to overcome things that people think are impossible. That type of thing is attractive to me.
Encounters of the turd kind: Dispatches from a South African walking safari
Given scoops up a handful and passes around two beans to every person. He then asks us to stand behind a line he’s drawn in the dirt. “Let me show you a game invented by the Afrikaners,” he says, splitting a dropping open to reveal a compacted inner core. “Now, I want you to place one on your tongue.”
Meet The man who cycled around the world on less than $5 a day
Luckily after a year of travel, I picked up a bike sponsor, Fatback Bikes, an American bike specialist that makes bikes with big fat tires—perfect for me. They kindly kitted me out with a new carbon-fiber bike and bikepacking equipment which meant the whole journey could shift towards what I wanted to be doing—going off-road and exploring, rather than sticking to roads or nicely graveled tracks.
Dromomania: Is travel addiction a legitimate medical condition?
“We live in a world of competition,” she says. “A friend of mine once asked me how many countries I had been to and when I gave him the number, he told me he had seen 48 states in the US. It was strange.”
Is walking the most adventurous way to travel?
Two million years ago, Homo Erectus began the first wave of human migration and by the Stone Age, Homo Sapiens had walked out of East Africa’s Rift Valley. Then, some 60,000 years ago, they continued across the planet, finishing up 20,000 miles later in Patagonia with no more land mass left to cover.
How to spend more time outdoors on the trails through Fall & Winter
For most, the hiking season ends when the last leaves drop. But if you’re used to hanging up your boots in the fall, you’re missing out on some serious magic. In winter, the crowds vanish, leaving quiet trails. Regions with snow-dusted branches and sunlit frost cast the world in a new light. Pesky insects vanish in the cool, crisp air, and leafless branches reveal hidden
Wildfire Safety Tips for Outdoor Recreation
It’s not wise to dismiss smoke as simply a temporary irritant. Smoke is a complex brew of gases (some are toxic when a fire is close) and microscopic particles that scatter far and wide, and can penetrate deep into your lungs. Associated health problems range from temporary discomforts like burning eyes, runny nose, and wheezing to more serious long-term damage to your pulmonary system.
Is 2018 the year for Zimbabwe’s tourism revival?
Over the years, Zimbabwe has been both darling and pariah of the African safari scene. During the ‘90s, it welcomed around 1.5 million guests every year, offering some of Africa’s best game viewing, expert guiding, and elegant lodges and camps. But then, tourists boycotted the country as white-owned farm invasions, hyperinflation, corruption, and catastrophic economic mismanagement kicked in.
Backpacking Repair Kit Checklist
Small gear emergencies and inconveniences with these easy-to-carry repair supplies
While it may seem difficult to get kids off technology, it is actually easier than most parents believe. Enjoy a fun, relaxing camping trip with your kids and show them they can have plenty of fun without technology. If your children are reluctant to embrace a camping trip without their devices, there are plenty of ways to get them excited about it.
How to Improve Your Hiking Techniques on South African Hiking Trails
Check your hiking boots and see if they’ve gone through much wear and tear that might make them unable to work as best as they could. Wearing hiking boots that aren’t durable will make it harder for you to go hiking.
An epic self-drive Safari through Namibia
You won’t need technical 4x4 skills to negotiate a safari in Etosha National Park either, so most self-drive holidays will leave you free to seek out its enormous bull elephants, lions, rhinos, and cheetahs independently. Roads through the park are in good condition and are well mapped out meaning self-drive safaris are a popular option here.
10 tips to prepare yourself for a cycling race
Whether you're aspiring to race in the Tour de France or simply enjoy cycling as a form of exercise, applying these ten training strategies will help you become a better, faster, and more efficient cyclist, no matter what speed or distance you ride.
How to Store and Handle Food for Campers and Backpackers
Keeping human food (and other aromatic items such as toiletries) away from animals requires similar practices in both a campground and backcountry campsite. Here are some general tips:
Conquering the world’s most dangerous road (on a mountain bike)
We come across an accident. A French tourist has ridden off the edge and the guides are hauling him back up with ropes attached to the support van.
Leave No Trace Seven Principles
While most of us don’t intend to harm our natural surroundings, we may lack the knowledge to preserve them, or we’re simply overlooking a few important behaviors.
Crashing is part of cycling, stay positive
When the worst happens and you are involved in a crash, it can be hard to know what to do. Use our step by step crash checklist to guide you through immediate action at the scene of the crash, legal issues, claims and liability.
How to Choose and Use a GPS
A handheld GPS receiver remains a valuable outdoor tool for hikers and other backcountry explorers.
How to Read a Topo Map
A magnetized compass and a paper map are part of the Ten Essentials.