Meet The man who cycled around the world on less than $5 a day
Ben cycles along a dirt path with Lesotho’s stunning Maletsunyane Falls in the background. Photo: Ben Page
On top of Quetrupillan volcano in Chilean Patagonia, under the northern lights in the Canadian Arctic, in Uzbekistan’s Karakalpakstan Desert—Ben’s hotels were as varied as the roads he took to get to them. Photos: Ben Page
Ben gets by with a little help from a local on horseback in Mongolia.Photo: Ben Page
“I definitely grew a lot over those three years. I feel like the man who’s come back rather than the boy who left.”
– Ben Page
Ben’s journey through the Canadian Arctic proved to be a real challenge—both physical and mental. He produced an award-winning documentary about it, ‘The Frozen Road’, which delves into his torment and documents the more troublesome aspects of this type of expeditionary travel. Photo: Ben Page
A Maasai man takes Ben’s bike for a spin in Kenya. Photo: Ben Page
From the white roads of the Canadian Arctic and the dusky trails of South Africa to the verdant green surrounds of Lesotho and everything in between, Ben’s trip took him through every type of climate and landscape imaginable. Photos: Ben Page
“I spent nights in yurts in Mongolia, in small wooden huts in Lesotho, in ramshackle places in Kenya. Everywhere, people were friendly and happy to see me. Even in Europe!”
– Ben Page
After three years, Ben made it home to a warm welcome, a soft pillow, and a full fridge. Photo courtesy of Ben Page
Author: Oliver PellingOliver is the Australian editor of At any given moment, he will do almost anything for a taco and a cold beer.