Dromomania: Is travel addiction a legitimate medical condition?
And for Dadas, it wasn’t even the first time this kind of thing had happened.

Modern vagabond neurosis
There’s certainly an epidemic of ‘quantity over quality’ tourism, no doubt facilitated by the proliferation of ‘rack ‘em up’ leaderboards.

An illness or an appetite? A problem or a passion?
“We live in a world of competition,” she says. “A friend of mine once asked me how many countries I had been to and when I gave him the number, he told me he had seen 48 states in the US. It was strange.”

Send in the white coats
In the end, this is essentially what it comes down to: Are you having a good time on the road, or a godawful one?

The return leg
Whether this is the product of biology or psychology taps into a much bigger, and much older, debate. Some like to point to the ‘wanderlust gene,’ a biological root that purportedly gives around 20 percent of us a heightened proclivity to long-haul journeying.

Author: Cam HassardCam Hassard is managing editor at Caddie Magazine and features writer for Junkee, AWOL, Carryology, Fairfax Media, and more. He’s eaten ant salad in Laos, hauled trucks from NYC to Vegas, and destroyed himself on the Camino de Santiago. Originally from Melbourne, he currently calls Berlin home.