How to Choose Travel Clothing
Fabrics should breathe well, wick moisture away from your skin, and dry quickly. Cotton, while OK for casual wear, is generally less suited for traveling than the fabrics listed below.
How to Go to the Bathroom in the Woods
If you’re in a rafting group camping along a very large river, Leave No Trace recommends peeing directly in the water; the river volume will dilute it, and the camping area avoids getting over-saturated.
The man who can help you plan your own epic expeditions
We’re always looking for places that are relatively untouched and where not many people go and this particular area seemed ideal. We climbed volcanoes and explored the area by foot, boat and motorbikes. I was able to push things a little and show her the sort of things I like to get up to, while also testing myself physically and mentally.
Dromomania: Is travel addiction a legitimate medical condition?
“We live in a world of competition,” she says. “A friend of mine once asked me how many countries I had been to and when I gave him the number, he told me he had seen 48 states in the US. It was strange.”
Is 2018 the year for Zimbabwe’s tourism revival?
Over the years, Zimbabwe has been both darling and pariah of the African safari scene. During the ‘90s, it welcomed around 1.5 million guests every year, offering some of Africa’s best game viewing, expert guiding, and elegant lodges and camps. But then, tourists boycotted the country as white-owned farm invasions, hyperinflation, corruption, and catastrophic economic mismanagement kicked in.
How to Choose and Use a GPS
A handheld GPS receiver remains a valuable outdoor tool for hikers and other backcountry explorers.