Backpacking Food Hacks to Keep You Eating Well Anywhere
Reward yourself on your first day out with a delicious milkshake. Just grab a pint of ice cream right before you start hiking, seal it in a bag, wrap it with an insulating layer, and in a few hours, open it up and enjoy.
How to Choose a Water Filter or Purifier
Water purifiers also combat viruses, which are too tiny for most filters to effectively catch. If you’re traveling in less-developed areas of the world, consider products that also provide protection from viruses (such as hepatitis A, rotavirus, and norovirus).
Eating Right while Hiking and Camping
After a few days in the backcountry, it seemed as if food became less about sustenance and more an obsession. Upon reaching a fellow hiker, a common question became: “What are you eating?” In town, many of us headed straight to the junk food aisle to pick up sugary pastries, pizza, and ice cream.
How to Treat Water while Hiking or Camping
After heavy rain, wait before gathering water for treatment. When streams are on the rise, rain has washed surface material into them, as well as lakes and other water sources. This increases bacterial loads and muddies up gathered water.
How to Choose Headlamps
Headlamps today use LEDs almost exclusively as their light source. LEDs are rugged, energy-efficient, and long-lasting.
How to Choose Between a PLB and a Satellite Messenger
PLBs and satellite messengers are your two best options for sending distress signals when on an outdoor adventure.
How to Build a Campfire
Build fires only in designated fire rings, grills, or fireplaces. Most developed campgrounds have some version of these. Using a fire ring will lessen your impact and keep your fire contained.
How to Use a Compass
Why not rely exclusively on a phone or GPS receiver? Because batteries can die and gadgets can malfunction. A compass relies only on Earth's magnetic fields. If you don’t have one yet, read How to Choose a Compass.
The idea of camping can intimidate some people. But the truth is, camping is not only one of the easiest outdoor activities to do, but it’s also one of the most widely loved. Its simple charms are addictive: crackling fires, fresh air, the exchange of stories with close friends, and all the s’mores your inner-fifth-grader-heart could want.
South Africa’s 16 most beautiful hiking trails
South Africa is known to be a land of diverse landscapes and breathtaking vistas; an expansive playground capable of satisfying even the most die-hard traveler’s wanderlust. And what better way to explore this raw, unadulterated terrain than by foot? Hmm, but where to start? Well, here are South Africa’s 16 most beautiful hiking trails; let the Instagramming begin.
How to Choose Sunglasses
Sunglasses protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, reduce eyestrain in bright conditions and protect you from flying debris and other hazards.
There’s a difference between simple cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning removes dirt, germs, and impurities using soap and water. This step doesn’t kill germs, it simply removes them which helps lower their numbers and thus the risk of infection. Use soap and water to regularly clean surfaces. Be sure to pay extra attention to high-touch surfaces like tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, faucets and sinks.
How to Choose First Aid Kits
Even if you pack only a small first-aid kit, you’ll have a great resource for treating minor issues and for preventing them from becoming major ones. Managing aches and pains also makes any trip more enjoyable.
How to Choose and Use Sunscreen
Sun rays contain ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the source of sunburn, premature skin aging, and skin cancer, which more of us get than all other cancers combined.
How to Go to the Bathroom in the Woods
If you’re in a rafting group camping along a very large river, Leave No Trace recommends peeing directly in the water; the river volume will dilute it, and the camping area avoids getting over-saturated.
The Ten Essentials for Hiking & Camping
Back then, the list included a map, compass, sunglasses and sunscreen, extra clothing, headlamp/flashlight, first-aid supplies, fire starter, matches, knife, and extra food. Over the years, the list has evolved to a “systems” approach rather than including individual items. Here’s what it looks like today:
Tips for Solo Backpacking & Camping
On a backpacking trip, you’ll be responsible for carrying all the gear, making all the decisions, and figuring out what’s making that creepy noise in the middle of the night. While a solo trip can certainly be challenging, it will also give you a chance to get outside your comfort zone and find out what you’re capable of.
Backpacking In Your Period
After the first time backpacking with your period, you’ll realize it’s no big deal. And you can rest easy that the old notion that bears are attracted to menstrual blood turns out to be a myth. With a little preparation and knowledge, you won’t have to think twice about heading into the backcountry at any time of the month
Wildfire Safety Tips for Outdoor Recreation
It’s not wise to dismiss smoke as simply a temporary irritant. Smoke is a complex brew of gases (some are toxic when a fire is close) and microscopic particles that scatter far and wide, and can penetrate deep into your lungs. Associated health problems range from temporary discomforts like burning eyes, runny nose, and wheezing to more serious long-term damage to your pulmonary system.
Backpacking Repair Kit Checklist
Small gear emergencies and inconveniences with these easy-to-carry repair supplies
While it may seem difficult to get kids off technology, it is actually easier than most parents believe. Enjoy a fun, relaxing camping trip with your kids and show them they can have plenty of fun without technology. If your children are reluctant to embrace a camping trip without their devices, there are plenty of ways to get them excited about it.
How to Store and Handle Food for Campers and Backpackers
Keeping human food (and other aromatic items such as toiletries) away from animals requires similar practices in both a campground and backcountry campsite. Here are some general tips:
Leave No Trace Seven Principles
While most of us don’t intend to harm our natural surroundings, we may lack the knowledge to preserve them, or we’re simply overlooking a few important behaviors.
How to Choose and Use a GPS
A handheld GPS receiver remains a valuable outdoor tool for hikers and other backcountry explorers.
How to Read a Topo Map
A magnetized compass and a paper map are part of the Ten Essentials.