A Beginner’s Guide to Bikepacking
Bikepacking is essentially having multi-day, self-supported adventures on your bike. Typically, this would involve being more off-road than on-road and would feature some kind of lightweight camping, whether that’s in a small, lightweight tent, or an even lighter bivvy bag and tarp set up.
South Africa’s 16 most beautiful hiking trails
South Africa is known to be a land of diverse landscapes and breathtaking vistas; an expansive playground capable of satisfying even the most die-hard traveler’s wanderlust. And what better way to explore this raw, unadulterated terrain than by foot? Hmm, but where to start? Well, here are South Africa’s 16 most beautiful hiking trails; let the Instagramming begin.
A Beginner’s Guide to Trail Running
The appeal of getting out into green spaces and exploring on foot is obvious so for the last few months I’ve been building up my fitness with regular runs and learning the basics of trail running. I’m definitely still a novice with a lot to learn, but I have picked up a few things over the last few months that I’ll share in this beginner’s
How to Choose Sunglasses
Sunglasses protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, reduce eyestrain in bright conditions and protect you from flying debris and other hazards.