The man who can help you plan your own epic expeditions
It was only when we were flying home that I realized I’d effectively provided an introduction to the sorts of trips I live for. I thought other people might be able to benefit from this kind of trip—one where you can get completely out of your comfort zone, yet still, have someone with experience on hand. And so the Adventure Academy was born. It’s been running since 2015 now and it’s gaining more and more traction on a daily basis.
“I think there are an awful lot of people who are bored of ‘mainstream travel’.”
– Matt Prior
Over the course of the week, we climb active volcanoes, travel overland day and night using almost all forms of transport on different surfaces, genuinely engage and stay with the locals and visit some very cool places along the way.
I’m being deliberately vague, as the whole premise is you get used to embracing uncertainty and the unknown. Each trip is slightly different. The best thing to do would be to go through the testimonials of people who’ve been on previous trips and you’ll get a better idea of what we get up to and what they thought of it.
“The thought of a real adventure would not sit well with them as it means that they may actually feel uncomfortable at some point.”
– Matt Prior
This is ultimately what it’s all about – removing the safety net and roaming free. It had such a positive impact on him, that he actually got a tattoo of the whole experience.
Something else I’ve realized recently is that people know deep down that it’s not a real adventure or experience, but that’s fine with them and they just want to tell others that it was. And with the world of social media, with people constantly comparing themselves to each other, I believe this will continue. The thought of a real adventure may not sit well with them—that means that they may actually feel uncomfortable at some point and it might even be a little difficult, but I think people are getting softer and increasingly choosing the easy option.
What do you think stops people from going out on their own? Fear? Doubt? Is the world really such a scary place?
I genuinely think it’s down to a variety of reasons, most of them totally natural. I think time, money, family and work commitments, lack of confidence or knowledge, and fear—the media can also make the world sound far scarier than it really is. But all these fears can be overcome.
In terms of the world being a scary place, I honestly believe that 99% of people on this planet are nice, genuine people who want the same basics from life that we all want, and without encountering any problems while pursuing these. Obviously, there are always a few areas where you’d be more cautious, but I think that careful planning and research can even make those places accessible.
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Author: Oliver PellingOliver is the Australia editor of At any given moment, he will do almost anything for a taco and a cold beer.