Backpacking Food Hacks to Keep You Eating Well Anywhere
Reward yourself on your first day out with a delicious milkshake. Just grab a pint of ice cream right before you start hiking, seal it in a bag, wrap it with an insulating layer, and in a few hours, open it up and enjoy.
How to Treat Water while Hiking or Camping
After heavy rain, wait before gathering water for treatment. When streams are on the rise, rain has washed surface material into them, as well as lakes and other water sources. This increases bacterial loads and muddies up gathered water.
Backpacking Food Ideas & Meal Planning
You can take most foods backpacking, but it’s best to stick with foods that are portable, lightweight, and not too bulky. Fortunately, there are ways to take backpacking versions of your favorite meal—from burrito bowls to tuna noodle casserole—whether you dehydrate the meal at home, buy ready-to-eat dehydrated meals that only require adding hot water, or assemble your meal from a mixture of fresh and dry ingredients.
A Beginner’s Guide to Bikepacking
Bikepacking is essentially having multi-day, self-supported adventures on your bike. Typically, this would involve being more off-road than on-road and would feature some kind of lightweight camping, whether that’s in a small, lightweight tent, or an even lighter bivvy bag and tarp set up.
How to Stay Hydrated on the Trail
A good general recommendation is about one half-liter of water per hour of moderate activity in moderate temperatures. You may need to increase how much you drink as the temperature and intensity of the activity rise.